4413 Flair Tint Blue Copper 120ml.

Flake Colors Pearl -flaked colors in a transparent base. Hot Rod Sparkle: Large pearl flakes Cosmic Sparkle: Small pearl flakes Hi-Lite Interference Colors: accent pearls, glows like fish-scale.
Manufacturer: Createx
Availability: 2 in stock
SKU: 4413-4
Delivery date: 1-2 days
Kaina: $41.56
  1. Apply as mid-coat color over AutoBorne Sealer or other base color.
  2. Mix with candy2o for candy-pearl color.

Mix & Spray Basics:

  1. Add 4030 Balancing Clear 10% per vol., then
  2. Thin with 4011 Reducer :
    • Spray-Gun: 5% - 10% per vol., 1.2 – 1.3mm tip ~ 20 psi inlet
    • Airbrush: 10% - 25% per vol., 0.5mm+ tip ~ 27+ psi

Pearl-flake colors are concentrated in bottle. Apply sparingly.
Effect not truly visible until after gloss top-coat applied.